
Hack Your Future Bruxelles Class23

Fedoriv Yurii


About myself

I am from Ukrain.

I am a friendly, positive and helpful person. I love an active lifestyle. I play ping pong, roller skate, play the guitar and sing songs.

My hobbies are also related to nature. I love picking mushrooms and berries, fermenting tea and beekeeping. Professionally, I am associated with the IT industry in the field of computer systems and telecommunications.

My IT competencies - DevOps/SysOps/Embedded Software Engineer

I implemented a IoT solutions for home and industrial wifi/3g/4g/lte routers, true-embedded ultra low-powered devices based on Linux Wrt-based system. Solutions for logistics (GSM/GPS trackers with sensors). Solutions for home and industrial automation controllers (position/PI/PID regulators, remote control and monitoring, integration).